Welcome home
to your body.
Your body is constantly talking to you.
We invite you to listen.
We invite you to learn to trust & to practice being in a caring relationship with not just your body, but your whole self.
At So IN Body, we teach self-compassionate, therapeutic practices for self-healing
and nervous system regulation.
Hi, I'm Kara.
Certified Yoga Instructor & Teacher Trainer
Certified Mindfulness Facilitator
Somatic Movement Facilitator
Nervous System Regulation Coach
Wiggle your toes and feel your feet.
You are alive, you have a body & you are here. Welcome.
I am almost 50 years old, and I am still trying to figure out how to be in a caring relationship with my body. I have come a long way. And I have learned a ton on this journey - things that I can & will share with you. But to say I feel at home in myself 100% of the time, or that I have totally figured this out would be a lie.
So we are in this together - with a willingness to learn from each other.
We believe that healing happens in community, where we can hear each other's stories of humanness and be supported by one another. At So IN Body, one of our key values is to hold a space of Sanctuary, for anyone and everyone no matter your body shape or size, your skin color, ethnicity, belief-system, etc (as long as you are respectful of everyone else). You are welcome here.
Sanctuary means a place of refuge or safety.
To feel safe within, we need to feel safety around us.
Our studio is nestled in the hills of Southern Indiana, in an old tomato cannery warehouse. My partner and I have been working for 7 years to create a welcoming, inclusive and healing space for people to gather in a variety of ways. The So IN Body home studio is infused with intentions for healing, refuge, & compassion so that we can all show up exactly as we are, no matter where we each are on this journey of befriending our our bodies.

And I said softly to my body,
"I want to be your friend."
And it took a long breath and replied,
"I have been waiting my whole life for this."
Nayyirah Waheed
Testimonials coming...
- Happy Camper
Testimonials coming...
- Shining Star
Testimonials coming...